Intermediate New Media in Art Final Proposal
My name is Yui Niizeki Maehara and I am a senior studio art/film double major. My main interest is creating characters for games and films. Currently for my senior capstone I am working on developing characters for a fantasy medieval japan inspired fighting game and am also making a documentary following the development process.
For my final for new media in art, I plan on creating an animated illustration of one of my characters Macho Cat aka (Daddy). An animated illustration is a 2D still image which is then manipulated in programs such as Adobe After Effects to create motion. Through the use of the programs, I can add effects such as falling rain, breathing of the characters, sound, and particle effects. It adds a new level of immersion to a work of art through digital means. The image bellow is the painting I plan on animating after it is finished (Currently work in progress).
Between weeks 4-5 I will be working on creating the illustration while also spending time learning how to use after effects. I have never personally used Aftereffects so I will spend this time learning. Weeks 6 and 7 will be the brainstorm and test animation of the illustration itself. Finally week 8 and 9 will include final touches and adding sound to the video.
My inspiration for this project is by artist Warwick Wong, an artist I found on Instagram who makes illustrations and animates them. He creates stylized works mixed with high levels of animation details to help breakdown the illustration. The link to the work that introduced me to him will be posted below.
The final product will be one detailed animated illustration with sound.
Link To Warrick Wongs Work:
Your art is awesome! I'm excited to see how your final project turns out. I love the idea of an animated illustration. Great job.